Flirting with delicate innuendos is a great strategy to show interest without seeming overbearing or overly willing. It is specifically important in wording communications, where it can be more difficult to decipher nonverbal indicators. Yet, flirting with couched insinuations should be used sparingly and often taken into consideration of the other child’s satisfaction levels. It can be very off- putting to some people if misinterpreted or overdone, and can lead to adverse feelings about the relationship if not nicely- judged.

Rhetorical implication flirting includes jokes or opinions that hint at romantic or sexual intention, as well as mild- hearted teasing and banter. Double pun is a type of verbal chatting in which a term has two interpretations, one of which is generally more suggestive. Taunting, also known as light-weight- hearted banter or flirting conversation, is another way to flirt via words by lightly making fun of someone in an amusing manner that does n’t offend them.

Nonverbal flirting includes movements that demonstrate involvement, as well as simple body language signals like as eye touch and side holding. Touching someone for the shoulder or make, stroking their tresses or piano and actually merely unknowingly brushing against them can all become evidence of flirting. A smile that says they like you, a seem that indicates they are thinking about you and lingering in your existence are all instances of flirting.